Do you take the time each day to look around and marvel
at the world
around us? Mountains, trees, animals,
lakes, skies filled with billowing clouds,
birds of every color, the tiny whisker of a mouse, flowers
that smell wonderful and are of every color, shape, and size, the freshness of children
at play, fish
swimming….these are too numerous to list. God did that. God gave life, at the beginning of creation,
and again each and every time there is birth. God
did that. To witness the
birth of a child, you need to marvel at the conception, the
growth of those two small cells to develop into a human being with a
soul. God did that. It may seem like these are everyday things, they
are not, and in fact, we’ve become removed from the origination of all these
marvelous things just as we have become removed from God
and His
Son, Jesus
Christ, who was sent as a sacrifice to redeem
us from sin. God
didn’t do that, we did the removing.
Pastor John Collins (January, 2018) ~ “When your days are busy and you are overwhelmed you can take a moment to be still and know God. The miracles of life are too many to list and human life is precious. We stand in awe of God for bringing about His plan for redemption for us all while at the same time we need to be able to stand in gratefulness of the gift of life that we have been given and to never take for granted those whom we love because they too are a gift from God and yes, God did that.”
John Collins is a world known evangelist and the head pastor of Love That Cross Ministries,
That Cross Revival, and Pastor John Collins’ Ministries. Pastor
John Collins’ style of preaching is reminiscent of Billy Graham,
making the Gospel simple to understand and reaching into the hearts of those
who hear Pastor
John Collins. Pastor
John Collins is redeeming the Gospel of Jesus Christ for us: the Word has become watered down and filled
with the interpretations and changes made by humans and the hope and salvation
found within the teachings of Jesus Christ are being lost. Pastor John Collins
does not preach what we want to hear, he preaches the truth and what he says is
often not comfortable for us to absorb. Pastor John Collins
would rather have people not like him for what he says than to be loved and
tell people what they want to hear. Pastor John Collins
is bringing that hope and bringing God back into our lives. It is our salvation and our souls that Pastor John Collins
strives to influence. While in a way
arrogant for God, Pastor
John Collins is humble as Reverend David Wilkerson.
Pastor John Collins writes:
“Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold,
the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.”
Isaiah 7:14 (NKJV).
The birth of Jesus was a miraculous thing, a glorious sign
and wonderful blessing. Mary was chosen to carry the Son of God and to be
gifted with calling Him her son. What a privilege to be given and what a great
responsibility. How the heavens rejoiced at the coming of the Lord. God is so
full of love that He chose to display His power humbly and to give His love
freely. There is so much for us to learn from the birth and life of Christ,
from His death and Resurrection and there is so much hope to be placed upon
Him. There is strength in humility and there is power in recognizing the
infinite greatness of God and in knowing that you can have a clear perspective
on your own life and the wonder of it all.
The gift of life is precious and should never be taken for
granted. Sarah was barren until her old age when she received the promise of
God and gave birth to Isaac. Hannah was barren and mocked and had to endure
spiteful pity but she believed and prayed and waited and she was given Samuel
and then many more children. Elizabeth was barren but faithful and was given a
miracle birth as well by being allowed to be a mother to John the Baptist. The
gift of life is not only precious and miraculous when it brings into this world
a child that will alter the trajectory of human existence but every child born
is amazing. God made it possible for women to carry children and birth them and
the physical body is a miracle in itself and God did that. The human brain is
complex and the human spirit has depths that should amaze us all and God did
that. You can look at a baby and know that God is good and that you are blessed
to be a witness and participant in this thing called life.
When your days are busy and you are overwhelmed you can take
a moment to be still and know God. The miracles of life are too many to list
and human life is precious. We stand in awe of God for bringing about His plan
for redemption for us all while at the same time we need to be able to stand in
gratefulness of the gift of life that we have been given and to never take for
granted those whom we love because they too are a gift from God and yes, God
did that.
“And in that day you will say: ‘O Lord, I will praise You; Though
You were angry with me, Your anger is turned away, and You comfort me. Behold,
God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; ‘For Yah, the Lord, is my
strength and song; He also has become my salvation.’” Isaiah 12:1-2 (NKJV).
John Collins can be heard live during the 1000 a.m. hour, Mountain
Time, on Heaven’s Country Radio with Marty
Smith. Other recordings,
writings, blogs, radio programs and more can be found by clicking on the links
within this post.
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