Pastor John Collins, Love That Cross Ministries, who is recognized as an influential pastor in America, is reaching out in his passion for truth and salvation in this post from his Facebook pages. He gives us a no nonsense and to the point call to examine our hearts, as Christians, and how we approach the political correctness that we face in sitting on the fence with our faith and how we view evil in today's world. He calls it like it is. We need to get to know our God, up close and personal.
Pastor John Collins of Love that Cross Ministries posts devotionals on his Facebook pages. These short, touch the core of your soul mini sermons make you evaluate your life, your faith, your salvation.
Pastor John recently posted this daily devotional on his Facebook page. There has been a lot of violence, kidnappings, killings in the news these past few days. This is not the work of God, it is the work of evil and man's will. The more hate is generated, from leaders to neighborhoods, the more the spirit of Satan grows and spreads. Hate is that poison, and violence is the child of it.
“The Lord tests the righteous, But the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates.” Psalm 11:5
What is wrong with people? The shootings, the killings, the attacks, the intent to harm and the general hatred of our brothers and sisters here on earth has brought us face to face with the spirit of Cain. Why don’t people care? Why are children harmed and families destroyed? Goodness, why have we systematically removed God from our lives? People, don’t you see or care that the spirit of Satan is alive and well and growing?
We hate each other, we hate ourselves, we hate our lives and we hate the rules. We hate listening, we hate obedience and we hate being wrong. We hate and whether any of you want to admit it or not, there is a judgmental and hateful attitude that fills this world up and violence is its child. People are rude, nasty, dismissive and cruel. People are selfish, ugly on the inside and malicious.
There is a day coming that will bring shock and that will scare people into listening to the truth and desiring the will of God. There will also be those who will always choose evil and will always thrive on the pain of another. It is imperative that you choose which way you want to live your life because small things turn into big things and before you know it your heart is full of hate. An argument that is unresolved turns to a grudge that becomes spite and hateful words can turn into a raised fist or a bullet shot from a gun.
Every little piece of you makes up the whole picture and you cannot be a person that carries anger, bitterness, frustration and rage around in your heart and not act out in ways that are vicious and mean. You cannot be a smack talking parent who berates their child and insults casually those who despise without raising a hateful human who turns out to be filled with malice. Hate trickles down and poisons the children that it touches. Hate spreads out and poisons the communities that it touches. Our world is infected and there is just not enough people willing to stand up and tell the truth; that this world has chosen evil over good and the only way to right this wrong is to return to God and the Lord Jesus Christ so that we can be healed. There are many that are not able to claim salvation but the saddest thing is when salvation is so close and people just won’t grab on to the holy hands that are held out to them.
People need to be willing to let go of hate, let go of hurt and to stop the violence, to stop the vicious cycle of destroying one another in any way possible. People need to begin to think of their eternal destinations and not their earthly battles and daily struggles that are keeping them imprisoned by the spirit of evil. People need to stop the hate day by day, hour by hour if needed and to choose to turn to Christ and be healed.
“Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. And so this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.” Romans 13:10-12.
Click on the photo above to view a recorded sermon by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, LOVE THAT CROSS MINISTRIES
some photos from Google images
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