Thursday, July 5, 2018



How can we be strong in a world of violence?  We have wars, threatened wars, suicides, hatred, aggression, and disasters of nature that take away everything we own.  What do we do?  Pastor John Collins of Love that Cross and  John Collins Ministries has the answer. Trust Jesus.  It’s a simple answer that has been available to us for over two thousand years.  Salvation is the free gift that God has given us, with forgiveness and a chance at eternal life once we are done with life here.  But living is tough, right?  There’s crime and drugs and death in the media.  Terrorists threaten.  Across the world, attempts on our faith and our stifling our hope push at us as believers.  Jesus and God are bigger.  Much bigger, and all it takes is to accept that They are real and make Them your own. 

“Be cautious in this world, take nothing for granted and call on Jesus daily for strength, courage and discernment. Be willing to fight the good fight, to run the race of your life and be prepared to receive the prize.” Pastor John Collins, April 2018.

 There are those who preach the wrong doctrine, challenging us to discern the truth with our hearts and the Bible. Liberal society would like Christians to accept fake doctrine, that God has changed, that Jesus isn’t who He is.  It is a time of change.  It is a time for change.

Pastor John Collins writes:

“But who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed. ‘And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.’” 1 Peter 3:13-14 (NKJV).

When Jesus walked this earth 2 millennia ago, He gave warnings of how things would be before He returned, before any further revelation would come from God and it is our job to be strong as many prophecies come to pass. These are trying times for the believer and there are many enemies of God that would attempt to undermine your faith in any way possible; be it outright scorn, doubt, aggression, violence or the law. It is a time for us to awaken from our slumber and become vigilant in our walk with God. There are many who would slander the Christian as a bigot and judgmental hater of modern liberal society as well as all other religions and their believers. Knowledge of the truth of Christ and holding firm to that truth is seen by many as elitist and narrow minded and you cannot let the words of others weaken your confidence in Jesus Christ as the way, the truth and the life and the only way to the Father.

We live in a world of violence and must not succumb to intimidation but must stand strong in righteousness. There are many out in the world today who are selling a gospel that is not valid, a Jesus that is counterfeit and false assurances to heaven that will never materialize with true conviction of the Holy Spirit and a genuine submission to God. There are many out there that would like to shame the believer into conforming to this world, into accepting things that are not of God and into compromising their faith and beliefs. There are many prophecies that have yet to be fulfilled and that means that God is not through with this world and it is the responsibility of the believer to obey the Commandments set forth by God in order to receive the salvation that is offered through Christ Jesus.

Do not be lazy in your faith and never drop your guard because there are many different ways that your faith and confidence can be sabotaged and you must be protective of your salvation. Be cautious in this world, take nothing for granted and call on Jesus daily for strength, courage and discernment. Be willing to fight the good fight, to run the race of your life and be prepared to receive the prize.

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile you good conduct in Christ may be ashamed.” 1 Peter 3:15-16 (NKJV).


Pastor John Collins is spreading revival.  As well, Pastor John Collins is redeeming the Gospel that has been changed and altered to suit the liberal society and those who preach a doctrine of endless and only love, forgetting that there is heaven, there is hell, and our salvation is not guaranteed.  Pastor John Collins reminds us we are not even assured tomorrow, and the casualness that we approach our lives and actions is getting us nowhere in our relationship with God.

There is change coming, preaches Pastor John Collins. 

Pastor John Collins preaches from the heart.  His no nonsense style, as he says, “grabs you by the britches”, in old time revival-style preaching. Pastor John Collins is not going to preach and tell you what you want to hear, Pastor John Collins is going to preach and tell you what you need to hear to get yourself right with God, to find your way to the foot of the Cross, to seek the salvation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To Pastor John Collins, it is a matter of eternal life or eternal death, and the choice is ours to make.  It’s not a popularity contest, and in his words, Pastor John Collins will tell you he would rather have you angry at him for telling the truth and make you think about your salvation, than to sugar coat reality of eternity and be put on a pedestal. 

Speaking from the heart, Pastor John Collins can be heard Sundays at 10:00 a.m. mountain time on Heaven’s Country Radio at Daily devotionals and thoughts by Pastor John Collins can be read on Facebook and Twitter.   Pastor John Collins brings an enthusiasm to the pulpit that is matched by no one.  “I get a little loud” says Pastor John Collins, and he gives a presentation of what the Bible represents: Pastor John Collins will “tell it, teach it as 2000 years ago.”  Pastor John Collins loves God.  As Pastor Collins puts it, the Bible is beautiful and everyone needs what it says.  Links to sermons, interviews, radio programs, articles, blogs, and Youtube recordings can be experienced by clicking on the links found within this blog.  You can find information about Pastor John Collins on LinkedIn. Pastor John Collins can personally be reached for ministry, prayer, guest preaching and revival at 

Pastor John Collins is in it to win it for God!  It is time for change!


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