“And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.” Revelations 19:16 (NKJV).
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Lev. 19:28....God was giving instructions to His people about how to worship Him and honor Him. Pastor John Collins, Evangelist |
Tattoos are taboo, right? Wrong!! There has been “religious”
debates over the topic of tattoos for years and years. There has been so much
misinterpretation on this subject. I approach not only the bible but also life
with common sense and with the goal of understanding things from God’s
perspective. With that goal in mind, I try to gain knowledge of the lesson in
the words that were written down for our benefit and apply them with common
sense to life. Seems simple, right?
The Leviticus text that was written to instruct the
Israelites not to mark their bodies with cuttings or tattoos were told to them
so that they would not do so in honor of the dead. Idolatry was a problem then
and it is a problem now. With so many people seeking psychics and mediums
today, you can see that the human desire for connection to those that we have
lost to death remains. Those that lived prior to Jesus did not know that He was
their mediator to God and also did not know for certain what happened to those
souls that passed on.
God made it clear that they were not to worship the dead nor
ask for them to “intercede” on their behalf. They were not to seek necromancers
nor sorcerers and witches or seers. There have always been people who get
caught up in idolizing those that have gone before them such as a child
idolizing a parent and vice versa or a people idolizing a leader. God was
giving instructions to His people about how to worship Him and honor Him. A
very necessary lesson was to establish the most important law which was a
forbidding of idolatry which included marking anyone’s body in honor of the
dead. It was no different than forbidding any altars being made for false gods.
Now, Jesus, in Revelations is seen with a mark upon His
thigh. It is written. It is obvious to me that the issue of tattoos and
forbidding of marking the body is about idolatry and not the tattoo itself. I,
personally, have tattoos and love them. I do not believe that God wants to deny
us personal expression nor choices about whether we want to put ink in our
skin. He wants us to be aware of our choices of artistic representation and
what it means to us and to our souls. Personally, I love that Cross and I have
crosses tattooed on my arms which fills me with strength, confidence and love
knowing that Jesus died on that Cross for all.
We are never to place anyone or anything above our Lord and
Savior nor our Father in heaven. We are to worship in spirit and truth. Yet, we
are individuals and many choose to cover their bodies in permanent art and
text. There needs to be less judgment and more understanding of the purpose of
the forbidding laws that are in the bible. If we could just look at the lessons
and make the effort to see things as God sees them then we would be better
equipped to have knowledge and understanding in this world which would
translate to tolerance and love for others without judging them.
“From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.” Galatians 6:17 (NKJV).