Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Pastor John Collins, Love That Cross Ministries, who is recognized as an influential pastor in America, is reaching out in his passion for truth and salvation in this post from his Facebook pages.  He gives us a no nonsense and to the point call to examine our hearts, as Christians,  and how we approach the political correctness that we face in sitting on the fence with our faith and how we view evil in today's world.  He calls it like it is.  We need to get to know our God, up close and personal.

Pastor John Collins of Love that Cross Ministries posts devotionals on his Facebook pages.  These short, touch the core of your soul mini sermons make you evaluate your life, your faith, your salvation.

Pastor John is identified as one of 15 influential pastors in America today.  It is easy to see how as you read through his posts. His words come from the heart.  He is biblically correct. This blog chooses a post from previous archives, but these posts are just as appropriate now as they were when they were created.  Love That Cross Ministries was launched in 2015 as a means for revival and salvationPastor John brings a fire of life to evangelism and salvation.

Pastor John posted this devotion on his Facebook page in the fall of 2015.  He tells us our salvation lies within the choices that we make.  Each choice has an impact upon how we will spend eternity.  It's up to us to determine where our eternity will be spent. 

God judges us on those actions, and our actions alone are what determine where we will be spending the rest of our life, after this one is gone.  Decide what is important to you. 

“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” Proverbs 16:9

“The way of life winds upward for the wise, that he may turn away from hell below.” Proverbs 15:24

There is a process to growing up, claiming adulthood and proceeding to live your life. There are choices that you make and each one of those choices determines who you are and who you will become. Those that are aware of their eternal soul and want to go to heaven learn to make those choices by determining the good will of the Lord and choosing to do His will.

You may not think that it is any big deal to tell a lie, omit the truth or to be selfish in this one small matter. You may think nothing of passing up an opportunity to be kind and compassionate just this once. You may think that work is more important than that baseball game or that home cooked meal. You may think that you can make it up to them at another time. You may think that you deserve to let loose and finally have some fun so who will it hurt if you have that fling, you deserve it. You may think that there is plenty of time in the future for you to settle down and be boring and do what the Lord expects of you but He knows your motives and intentions and all of those things will be taken into account.

Each day you will make choices that will lead you toward righteousness or toward wickedness. Each day will determine your character and where your eternal resting place will be. Each little choice that you make adds up to the totality of your life. Choose Jesus and choose to live.

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” 2 Corinthians 5:10

                                     LOVE THAT CROSS, PASTOR JOHN, BELIEVE THAT

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