Saturday, June 30, 2018



What kind of example are we showing our children in public through our actions and our clothing? What are we communicating to others with what we wear, what we say, what we do, how we act? 

“For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Romans 8:6 (NKJV).

We all know about the birds and the bees, which is just a metaphor for how reproduction takes place and I am not even sure parents use that phrase any longer to describe the ‘talk’ that children receive about sex. Many children are knowledgeable long before the talk takes place anyhow and with our society being as forward and lewd as it is, it is hard to ignore what goes on between a man and a woman when it comes to intimacy. I am not sure that there are many virgins that make it to the altar. Hormones are part of our physical makeup for a reason. You cannot continue to reproduce if you do not desire to have sex. That being said, too many have allowed this intimate connection to mean nothing and too many allow their bodies to be used by too many. Sex is not sacred anymore and unfortunately modesty has become all but non-existent today. There are some that are choosing to get back to a more decent dress, but for the most part, the less you wear, the more you show the sexier you are and the more likely it is that you will get some.

How pathetic! Our society is sex driven and sex crazy. People go out in public with every intention of inciting lust in others. Our children have grown up watching people undress on television, engage in lustful situations on television and behave in provocative ways with all of the approval and cheering on of the viewers. It is disgusting to see young teenage girls and young ladies in shorts that leave nothing to the imagination, dresses that cling to every curve with breasts hanging out and butts bouncing. It is disgusting to see young men in clinging tops or no tops at all and pants that are either too tight or not even pulled up with their drawers hanging out. It is awful to see parents strut around in clothing that is designed to entice others and make people stare all the while thinking that it is their prerogative to dress as they please as they blatantly give an example of lust and loose morals to their children. This slutty dressing by both men and women is a deliberate stumbling block for others. We are designed to desire to become intimate with another and when a person is without the faith of Christ then it is nearly impossible to resist the temptation to lust.

Lust can overwhelm a person in a moment. Lust can cause a faithful person to stumble and it can destroy lives of the weak. It is a choice that you make when you dress your body each day and it should be a choice that is made with modesty in mind. Modesty may seem old fashioned and ignorant to some but it is a choice of wisdom to refuse to allow your flesh to become an object of lust for others and a stumbling block for the weak. You have control of your body and what you put on it and how you carry yourself. It is up to you to move through this world as a representative of God, a servant of Christ and an obedient follower of His Commandments. Do not allow your flesh to become sin for another and protect your eyes from the temptation of lust. Be aware of how you look upon those whom you would find desirable and be willing to turn away from any such display that may cause you to stumble in your walk with Christ.

“Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” 2 Timothy 2:22 (NKJV).


Pastor John Collins is an evangelist with a heart for God and Jesus Christ.  If we put Jesus Christ in our hearts, we will have a better world, preaches Pastor John Collins.  An enthusiastic old style revival type preacher, Pastor John Collins will reach your heart and soul and bring you to the foot of the Cross and open you to the salvation offered by Jesus.  Pastor John Collins has preached hope and revival of faith across the country for over three years, becoming an influential pastor living in the United States today.  Pastor John Collins preaches and teaches and has charisma for God, he gives all the glory to God.  Pastor John Collins encourages us that the Holy Bible has answers for every problem in our lives, all we need to do is open it and read it, get back to the truth that those pages hold for us. 

Pastor John Collins is recognized as an inspirational pastor living in the United States and has received awards as Evangelist of the Year from across the globe.  Interviews, radio programming, sermons, blogs, news articles, and Youtube recordings of Pastor John Collins can be accessed by clicking on the links found within this post.  Pastor John Collins posts daily thoughts and devotions on Facebook and Twitter.  Pastor John Collins preaches weekly from the heart on Heaven’s Country Radio, at 10:00 a.m. Mountain Time.  Background about Pastor John Collins can be found on LinkedIn.   

Pastor John Collins preaches with passion:  Pastor John Collins is not about a popularity contest, Pastor Collins says he would rather have people hate him for what he says rather than to be loved and tell people what they want to hear.  This is not about the pastor, it is about Jesus Christ and our chance at salvation and getting back to God.  Pastor John Collins can be reached by email at for ministry, prayer and positive conversation.  Pastor John Collins is also available for revival and guest speaking.  Pastor John Collins says it is time for a change, he is in it to win it for God.

Saturday, June 23, 2018



Ambition has smothered humanity by the desire of people to become powerful.  Pastor John Collins of Love That Cross Ministries and Pastor John Collins Ministries shows us that ambition has kept mankind from the relationship that God intended for us when He sent Jesus as our Savior.  Ambition controlled the Dark Ages-Medieval times-and kept humanity ignorant and in poverty, ambition drove men to enslave other men and women and keep them oppressed in the bonds of slavery for millennia, today’s slavery is human trafficking that is a criminal industry affecting 20.9 million people around the world…an industry  of oppressing humans, historically Hitler oppressed the Jews in the Holocaust, the list is long and unfortunately continues even though we consider ourselves “modern”.  

There is nothing new under the sun.

Equal opportunity isn’t equal, preaches Pastor John Collins.  Ambition of power over people gets in the way and chokes out the opportunity for knowledge and growth.  There are locations around the world, from ISIS to small villages in Africa, to the drug lords on the streets of the United States that threaten people with their lives on a daily basis. Governments try to impose themselves on other governments to intimidate or impress.

Churches which should be the center of community and pastors who are more enamored of the almighty dollar oppress those who are members of the congregation-the promise of prosperity is not one of money, but a promise of salvation, of hope that only comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ and God our Father and Creator says Pastor John Collins.

We must be honest about the ambition of man, whether it is in those running our country, our corporations or our churches. We must be able to see through the illusion of power; for all power on earth is merely temporary and is but a fool’s fantasy of truth. We must look to the creator of our lives and choose to become knowledgeable in His word so that we may choose for ourselves whether we want to be obedient servants or not.  Pastor John Collins, February 2018.

We need to keep ourselves in the Bible, keep our focus on God, and work on our faith and trust in His Son Jesus Christ as our salvation.  The ambitious of this world will have justice one day, it is up to us to be diligent in our walk toward eternal life –paraphrased, Pastor John Collins.

Pastor John Collins writes:

“Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” James 1:21 (NKJV).

Ambition is a beast that is wily and cruel, hard to kill and like a fire that consumes without mercy can be seemingly impossible to put out. There is a rotten seed that finds fertile ground in the hearts of ambitious people that chokes out any good seed that may have been planted alongside the bad. When you study the history of this world, the history of Israel, the history of the church and the history of our nation you will find ambition trampling over decency, destroying knowledge and removing all barriers that stand it its way. How do you control a people? You dominate them, you deny them true knowledge and you limit their power and resources in order to keep them beneath you. Think of the poor of this world, the women who have been denied the honor that God intended for them, the holocaust victims, slaves of all nations and all colors and all throughout history up to this very day, as well as the masses of too many countries that are suffering because of the battles of those who would seek to feed their ambition all while they wrap up the cause and justification in persuasive arguments.

Equal opportunity is not equal anywhere at any time in history; not even today. The ‘church’ was built by denying the masses the word of God for themselves. There was a time that bibles were not available or legal for the masses and the church made every effort to keep the Holy Scriptures in Latin and deny the common man to come to know the word of God without the interference and instruction of a ‘priest’. The ‘church’ held too much power and was corrupt due to the ambition of man. Is it any wonder why there was rebellion, reform and protestation? Women used to be denied schooling and many boys as well. When you take away the basic needs of man then you will in time have civil unrest on your hands. Reform comes because it is needed and yet history keeps repeating itself for all of the knowledge that is today so easily achieved and taken for granted.

Ambition leads men to cause the destruction of many in order to further their own power. Institutions that are headed by those who have collaborated in order to consolidate their power and further the ambitions of those in charge are no less prominent today than they ever have been. It seems that we have come full circle. God brings revelation and men use that revelation to further their own power over men which leads to corruption that brings about further revelation from God which perpetuates the cycle. Here we are, looking back at a past that is shameful and full of destruction, looking around and seeing that things have not changed at all and looking ahead for God’s revelations to come.

We must be honest about the ambition of man, whether it is in those running our country, our corporations or our churches. We must be able to see through the illusion of power; for all power on earth is merely temporary and is but a fool’s fantasy of truth. We must look to the creator of our lives and choose to become knowledgeable in His word so that we may choose for ourselves whether we want to be obedient servants or not. We cannot allow the ambition of others to poison our desire for a true relationship with God. We cannot allow the ambition of others to deny us our rightful inheritance of salvation which was purchased on the cross by our Lord Jesus Christ. There will always be ambitious men who soil the reality of our environments and we must search diligently for our faith within ourselves and trust that for all of the ambitions of greedy people they will be brought low, whether in this life or the next and it is our duty to see to the humility of our own souls and not allow any seeds that are rotten to be fertilized in our own hearts.

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” James 1:22 (NKJV).


Pastor John Collins is an evangelist with a heart for God and Jesus Christ.  If we put Jesus Christ in our hearts, we will have a better world, preaches Pastor John Collins.  An enthusiastic old style revival type preacher, Pastor John Collins will reach your heart and soul and bring you to the foot of the Cross and open you to the salvation offered by Jesus.  We as a nation can get our self-confidence back, our self-esteem back, if we turn back to God, get on our knees, pray and repent is a message that Pastor John Collins brings us.  Pastor John Collins has preached hope and revival of faith across the country for over three years, becoming an influential pastor living in the United States today.  Pastor John Collins preaches and teaches and has charisma for God, he gives all the glory to God.  Pastor John Collins encourages us that the Holy Bible has answers for every problem in our lives, all we need to do is open it and read it, get back to the truth that those pages hold for us. 

Pastor John Collins can be heard every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. on Heaven’s Country Radio,, with a message that is preached from the heart that will “grab you by the britches” as Pastor Collins says.  Pastor John Collins also posts daily thoughts and messages on Facebook and Twitter for inspiration and hope.  Pastor John Collins reminds us that God is in the business of saving souls, that God demands humility from us, and that we need to work on our salvation every day with fear and trembling-our God is an awesome God, but He is not in the business of granting wishes like a genie in a bottle.  We have work to do, and Pastor John Collins is determined to bring God back to the United States, redeeming the Gospel and spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ as it was taught over 2000 years ago.  Pastor John Collins can be reached for prayer and discussion at, and is available for revival and guest preaching.  Pastor John Collins is in it to win it for God.

Sunday, June 10, 2018



The Holy Bible has been described as “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth” for Christians.  It contains history, instruction, and advice for daily living that applies to living today just as it did when the scriptures were first written. Pastor John Collins, evangelist and head pastor of Love That Cross Ministries and Pastor John Collins Ministries, cautions us to have patience for those who do not believe in the Bible or who have known the Bible and turned away from what it teaches.  Patience and compassion is needed for those who are lost, and more people turn from the Bible and its teachings every day. We need to hold fast to our faith and the teaching of hope that are found in the Bible.  It has been described as God’s letter of love to us by Pastor John Collins.

Pastor John Collins is spreading revival and hope throughout the United States for over three years. Humans have taken the word of God and twisted and distorted the messages found there to suit the purposes of the people preaching the word, rather than what the intention in.  Bibles have been transliterated and retranslated repeatedly since the collection was first compiled thousands of years ago.  There was a time when only priests were reading the scriptures, and the general population was kept in ignorance of the words meant for all.  One monk was tortured for transcribing and translating the Bible and giving the pages to people so that they could read for themselves.  The results of the translations, transliterations, the restrictions and conflicts have resulted in a Gospel that is in need of redemption itself-Pastor John Collins is committed to redeeming the word of the Gospel so that all can hear the truth that was taught when Jesus Christ had his ministry, as an aside, Jesus based his preaching on the Old Testament scriptures, we have both Old and New Testament documents to draw from, and we are still struggling to understand what God wants for us.  Pastor John Collins preaches God is in the business of saving souls, He is not a genie in the sky who grants us our every wish, says Pastor John Collins.  God demands humility.  Pastor John Collins goes on to say He is a loving and just Father who does care for us and expects us to become like His Son Jesus Christ in our actions and deeds, with that humility.  Jesus Christ is our example for how we are to live our lives and the Bible is the book of directions on how to do this!

You must not become discouraged by those who choose to dismiss the bible, mock the bible or ridicule your belief in the bible. You must hold to the truth of the word of God because it is the beginning and constant encouragement for your faith as you go through life. Do not reduce the bible to fairytales and nonsense but hold tight to the instruction and wisdom that it contains. The bible is full of truth, history, instruction and hope. (Pastor John Collins, February, 2018.)

Pastor John Collins preaches that we need to open our Bibles and encourage one another.  The times are changing and hope is coming.  The prosperity that God promises is not the kind that is taught by those like Joel Osteen, Paula White, Joyce Meyer, and Creflo Dollar.  God’s prosperity is based on whether you are doing what you are told, are you serving God the correct way?

Pastor John Collins writes:

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NKJV).

The bible is for believers, not non-believers so you cannot hold all people to the standard in which God holds you. The Christian needs to be excellent and committed. It is no time for lackluster faith and subpar obedience to the word of God. For the believer in the work of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is his responsibility to come to know the word of God, the history of the plan of God and how your own salvation needs to be obtained through a commitment to understanding the spirit of God and applying this knowledge to your own life so that you may remain unstained in this world.

You cannot have the expectation that others in this world will live by your faith or that any will respect your faith in God. The bible is there for you to come to know the expectations that God has for you and for you to become a true disciple of Christ. The rest is up to you so that you may put into practice what you come to know and you do that through prayer and trial and error but with a never-ending commitment to the path of righteousness. You must not become discouraged by those who choose to dismiss the bible, mock the bible or ridicule your belief in the bible. You must hold to the truth of the word of God because it is the beginning and constant encouragement for your faith as you go through life. Do not reduce the bible to fairytales and nonsense but hold tight to the instruction and wisdom that it contains. The bible is full of truth, history, instruction and hope.

It is not for you to judge those who dismiss the bible but to have patience and compassion for the lost. There are more and more that fall away each day so it is up to you to hold tight to what is right, true and good.

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.” 2 Timothy 4:3-4 (NKJV).


Pastor John Collins is not going to tell you what you want to hear, he is going to tell you what you need to hear. You can hear Pastor John Collins every Sunday at 10:00 am Mountain Time on Heaven’s Country with Marty Smith at  Pastor John Collins is an enthusiastic speaker, his presentation of the Bible teaches it and preaches it as it was 2000 years ago. What Pastor John Collins preaches is biblically beautiful and everyone needs it.  Pastor John Collins posts daily devotionals and thoughts on Facebook and Twitter. Other sermons, blogs, interviews, Youtube, and more by Pastor John Collins can be viewed by clicking on the links found within this post.  Pastor John Collins is determined to bring God back to the United States. Pastor 

John Collins is in it to win it for God.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Pastor John Collins, Love that Cross: Choose Life!

Pastor John CollinsLove That Cross Ministries, who is recognized as an influential pastor in America, is reaching out in his passion for truth and salvation in this post from his Facebook pages.  He gives us a no nonsense and to the point call to examine our hearts, as Christians,  and how we approach the political correctness that we face in sitting on the fence with our faith and how we view evil in today's world.  He calls it like it is.  We need to get to know our Godup close and personal.

Pastor John Collins of Love that Cross Ministries posts devotionals on his Facebook pages.  These short, touch the core of your soul mini sermons make you evaluate your life, your faith, your salvation.

Pastor John is identified as one of 15 influential pastors in America today.  It is easy to see how as you read through his posts. His words come from the heart.  He is biblically correct. This blog chooses a post from previous archives, but these posts are just as appropriate now as they were when they were created.  Love That Cross Ministries was launched in 2015 as a means for revival and salvation.  Pastor John brings a fire of life to evangelism and salvation.

Pastor John posted this devotion on his Facebook page in the fall of 2015.  He tells us our salvation lies within the choices that we make.  Each choice has an impact upon how we will spend eternity.  It's up to us to determine where our eternity will be spent.

God judges us on those actions, and our actions alone are what determine where we will be spending the rest of our life, after this one is gone.  Decide what is important to you. 

“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” Proverbs 16:9

“The way of life winds upward for the wise, that he may turn away from hell below.” Proverbs 15:24

There is a process to growing up, claiming adulthood and proceeding to live your life. There are choices that you make and each one of those choices determines who you are and who you will become. Those that are aware of their eternal soul and want to go to heaven learn to make those choices by determining the good will of the Lord and choosing to do His will.

You may not think that it is any big deal to tell a lie, omit the truth or to be selfish in this one small matter. You may think nothing of passing up an opportunity to be kind and compassionate just this once. You may think that work is more important than that baseball game or that home cooked meal. You may think that you can make it up to them at another time. You may think that you deserve to let loose and finally have some fun so who will it hurt if you have that fling, you deserve it. You may think that there is plenty of time in the future for you to settle down and be boring and do what the Lord expects of you but He knows your motives and intentions and all of those things will be taken into account.

Each day you will make choices that will lead you toward righteousness or toward wickedness. Each day will determine your character and where your eternal resting place will be. Each little choice that you make adds up to the totality of your life. Choose Jesus and choose to live.

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” 2 Corinthians 5:10

Pastor John Collins can be heard on Sundays at 10:00 am Mountain Time with Marty Smith on Heaven's Country Radio at 

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