Pastor John Collins, Love That Cross Ministries, who is recognized as an influential pastor in America, is reaching out in his passion for truth and salvation in this post from his Facebook pages. He gives us a no nonsense and to the point call to examine our hearts, as Christians, and how we approach the political correctness that we face in sitting on the fence with our faith and how we view evil in today's world. He calls it like it is. We need to get to know our God, up close and personal.
Pastor John Collins of Love that Cross Ministries
posts devotionals on his Facebook pages. These short, touch the core of your soul mini sermons make you evaluate your life, your faith,
your salvation.
Pastor John is identified as one of 15 influential pastors in America today. It is easy to see how as you read through his posts. His words come from the heart. He is biblically correct. This blog chooses a post from previous archives, but these posts are just as appropriate now as they were when they were created. Love That Cross Ministries was launched in 2015 as a means for revival and salvation. Pastor John brings a fire of life to evangelism and salvation.

“And I was unknown by face to the churches of Judea which were in Christ. But they were hearing only, ‘He who formerly persecuted us now preaches the faith which he once tried to destroy.’ And they glorified God in me.” Galatians 1:22-24
What does it mean to have God glorified in you? It is when your behavior and your character reflect the work of God and is noticeable by men. When you come to be a Christian by choice, not by upbringing as something that you do, but by your choice to believe that Jesus died for your sins and you’re committing your life to obedience to Him and service to God. That is really what it means to be a Christian as it is not when you believe in Jesus and as you commit sins you think to yourself that you know better, but you do what you want anyway, because to him that knows better and does it anyway, to him it is sin.
If you were once the thief who turned over a new leaf in the name of Jesus and you stick to it then people will glorify God in you. When you pick that moment to change your life and turn your back on the sin you once knew and you choose to walk with God then people will take notice and will give the glory to God.
Every Christian should recognize their blessings and want to give back to God by living a life that shows others the kindness and compassion of our Lord. Every Christian should not just think about their wallet when they think of giving to God but should think about their time and what they can do with it by lifting up others in the name of God and helping others come to the cross.
The power of God is unlimited and when you revere God, thank God and choose God: just imagine how His love can alter your life and help you to overcome what you must in order to claim heaven as your eternal home.
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
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