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Faith isn't a water faucet that you can turn on and off-Pastor John Collins, 2013photo from Google images |
Faith in God and Jesus is not now you see it, now you don’t. We can’t only believe in God and Jesus when things are going bad for us or when we are in the midst of a struggle, then when everything becomes better, forget about God and Jesus Christ. It doesn’t work that way. God knows our hearts and whether we are truly people who believe in Him and His Son. Those of us who do have some kind of faith generally believe in heaven. We question hell-is hell really here as we live on earth and then when we die, if we have been good, we will go to heaven? Is hell reality? The problem is that pastors have been preaching heaven as a given, that all it takes is love, and the fact of hell has been denied. Folks, to put it bluntly, heaven and hell are very real. God gave us rules to live by, then He sent His Son Jesus to teach us about those rules and to be an example to live by. With that being said, the bare truth is that whether we believe in the Holy Bible, God, Jesus, Satan, Heaven or Hell, we all will die a death here on earth, then we will face the judgement of God, which will be righteous because He can be nothing else.
Pastor John Collins asks “What are we doing while we live this life to get right with God?”
“Everyone wants to talk about how God is love and just ignore the truth that God is wrath as well. Remember that God is complete, God is divine and God is the Creator of all and is without flaws. Judgment happens in a moment and is irreversible and it is forever. Why take any chances with your eternal soul when today allows you call on Jesus and to obey the Lord. Do not be lazy in your faith. Get right with God.” Pastor John Collins (April, 2018).
We cannot take our faith for granted and turn it on and off
like a water faucet. We cannot believe
in heaven without hell. We cannot expect
that heaven is a given when the Holy Bible and the writers of the books within
it tell us what we need to do in order to gain heaven. To gain heaven is to be judged worthy by
God. If Jesus Christ came to your house
today, would you be embarrassed to let Him in to visit? What do you have in your life that you think
you are hiding from Jesus? Both God and
Jesus can see everything, and if what you are doing would cause you
embarrassment before Jesus, then there are things that need to change in your
life. Everything we do in this life is
accounted for, whether it is good or it is bad.
We need the salvation of Jesus Christ and faith in Him and in God to
find the forgiveness for what bad we have done in order to even have a chance
at heaven.
John Collins, evangelist and head pastor of Love That Cross Ministries
and John Collins Ministries
is committed to spreading revival of the Gospel. Pastor
John Collins also speaks of redeeming the Gospel of Jesus. It is so apparent that people are seeking
answers to the purpose of life and what happens when we die here, there is a
hunger for knowledge of God because as Pastor
John Collins puts it, we’ve kicked Him out of our government, our
schools, our families and our churches and our souls are searching for the
answers. Pastor John Collins
also firmly points out that there are those pastors and ministers who seek to
find their fame and fortune at the expense of superstitious beliefs and
prosperity doctrine, leading folks down a guaranteed path to hell while these
leaders tuck collection plate money away for their own purposes. Jesus Christ taught us to help the poor, the
hungry, the needy, those megachurches that are filled with 20000 members are
seeking to help themselves, not the people in the pews. Pastor
John Collins is determined to call a spade a spade and it’s time
for preachers who are worth their salt to wake up and do the same or get off
the pulpit.
Pastor John Collins writes:
“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ,
that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has
done, whether good or bad.” 2 Corinthians 5:10 (NKJV).
It is time for a serious reality check for every single
person living on earth at this time: You are going to die an earthly death and
will have to face the righteous judgment of God. You may think you know what
that means, you may not care but let me fill in the blanks for so many….whether
you choose to believe in God or not, whether you find God fair or not, whether
you agree with God or not, whether you end up dismissing God or not, whether
you reject God or not and whether you end up getting as angry at God as you
want and as defiant toward God as you want and you can ignore Him, disobey Him
and reject His Son but in the end, ALL will come before the judgment seat of
Christ and ALL will face the righteous judgment of God, whether you want to or
not and whether you believe it or not.
Heaven is NOT a given. Heaven is NOT guaranteed. Heaven is a
reward of the salvation that you claim when you choose Jesus and obedience over
your worldly life and yourself. People are so selfish and self-involved and so
full of self-importance that they just can’t seem to work out their salvation
with fear and trembling because they have lost their capacity for reverence and
most have never bothered to develop it for God in the first place but have
transferred that delight and wonder and awe for the material things of this
world and for the prestige that can come with it.
Everyone wants to talk about how God is love and just ignore
the truth that God is wrath as well. Remember that God is complete, God is
divine and God is the Creator of all and is without flaws. Judgment happens in
a moment and is irreversible and it is forever. Why take any chances with your
eternal soul when today allows you call on Jesus and to obey the Lord. Do not
be lazy in your faith. Get right with God.
“For it is written: ‘As I live, says the Lord, Every knee
shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to God.’ So then each of us
shall give account of himself to God.” Romans 14:11-12 (NKJV).
It’s time for change, and change is going to come. So many preach End Times doctrine and
fulfillment of prophecy, but here’s the thing, even Jesus Christ said that no one
knows the time of the end, not even Jesus Himself, only God. And it’s been by God’s mercy that this world
hasn’t been destroyed from us turning our backs on God. He hasn’t turned His back on us, says Pastor
John Collins.
More of Pastor
John Collins can be seen throughout the Internet by clicking on the
links embedded in this post. Pastor John Collins
also has a national broadcast that can be heard on Heaven’s Country Radio at on Sunday
mornings at 1000 a.m. Mountain Time, with Christian radio award winning
broadcast personality of the year Marty Smith.
John Collins offers the opportunity for guest preaching and
speaking, and revival opportunities. Pastor John Collins
can be reached through his personal email,
for prayer and ministry as well. Pastor John Collins
is dedicated, as he says it, he is in it to win it for God.
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