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Who are we to look at someone and think “no way” when it
comes to salvation? Is it up to us to
know what plans God has for anyone? We
are quick to look at the mom of four who has an abusive drunk husband and
wonder “why does she stay with him”? We go to church and look at those who come
in and wonder how could someone dress “like that” and come into church? Pastor John Collins, Love That Cross and John Collins Ministries
reminds us God has a plan for
each and every one of us, it’s His love that patiently waits for us to find the
end of ourselves and turn to Him and His Son Jesus
Christ. It is not our place
to decide who is and isn’t worth the time to wait that it takes to get to that
point as individuals.
Self-righteousness and rejection of others just because they
aren’t where you think they are supposed to be or judging them on actions of
the past or mistakes of the present isn’t healthy to our own salvation,
and resentment
can easily set in to judge
someone not worth the time. Thing is, it
isn’t our place, this is God’s
world and His time. Maybe
that person has some lessons
that need to be learned
from those failures
in order to become the best Christian possible or
to carry out whatever it is that God has
planned for them.
“God has His time for everything and there are many people who find themselves either offended by His long-suffering or dismissive of His current interest in the affairs of man. No matter what period of time a person lives on this earth, God is interested. No matter how far you may think that God is, He is right here. No matter how bad you think others are or how bad you think that this world has become, salvation is available and you can be sure that the Son of God is working hard every day to bring about revival and the saving of souls.” Pastor John Collins, Love That Cross Ministries (March, 2018).
John Collins, evangelist and head pastor of Love
That Cross Ministries and John Collins Ministries
is leading a revival
of faith
and hope across the United
States and around the world.
God is here and is present and knows exactly what the condition of the
world is, and Pastor
John Collins is determined to bring God back to churches,
families, and society through that revival of faith
and hope
that is needed badly, now. With so many
pastors preaching false
doctrines and looking for their own validation on
the pulpit, congregations have become complacent to the condition of their
souls, and accept the watered down Gospel that is being presented to them to
keep them coming back to pews and filling collections plates. The Gospel isn’t about how much money you
make, it isn’t about what God will give you if you ask Him for it, and it isn’t
about whether you wear church clothes.
The Gospel is about finding the salvation that has been willingly given
by Jesus Christ in His obedience to becoming our sacrifice for our sins, and Pastor John Collins
is committed to redeeming that Gospel for God, to bring as many people to the
foot of the Cross as will hear him and what he preaches. Jesus Christ did not judge those who became
His friends and apostles by the way they were, the way they acted, or the
skills they had. He allowed them to
listen and learn the Gospel and the ways and desires of God. Pastor
John Collins brings that same Gospel back without the trappings of
theater and dramatics that are so popular, leaving the souls of people empty,
searching and helpless, unable to see that what they are doing is the same as what they
judge others doing.
Pastor John Collins writes:
“But the Lord said, ‘You have had pity on the plant for
which you have not labored, nor made it grow, which came up in a night and
perished in a night. And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which
are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern
between their right hand and their left-and much livestock?” Jonah 4:10-11
Jonah was very angry when God took away the plant that God
Himself had provided as shade for Jonah outside of Nineveh and was also so very
angry that God had offered salvation to the people of the city. Jonah knew that
they were evil people and was offended at the thought of those people being
spared? Nineveh was eventually destroyed but not until the time that God had
chosen for the fulfillment of prophecy.
It is very easy to look upon another and judge them not
worthy of mercy and salvation because of past or present deeds. It is very easy
to become self-righteous in your heart and scornful of others and it is just as
easy to deny that any of those feelings exist within you. God does know His own
children and He does have His plan that will unfold and it is obvious when a
person truly responds to the gospel and to our Lord Jesus Christ because their
life will reflect a stepping away from all sinful behavior and a choosing of
Christ-like character for themselves.
God has His time for everything and there are many people
who find themselves either offended by His long-suffering or dismissive of His
current interest in the affairs of man. No matter what period of time a person
lives on this earth, God is interested. No matter how far you may think that
God is, He is right here. No matter how bad you think others are or how bad you
think that this world has become, salvation is available and you can be sure
that the Son of God is working hard every day to bring about revival and the
saving of souls.
Don’t be quick to judge another and don’t forget how
precious your time here is. Do not neglect a day in your life by being lazy in
your faith. You are being tested and tried and it is up to you to choose to
seek those things above and not those things of this earth.
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the
Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
Jeremiah 29:10 (NKJV).
The apostle Peter knew who Jesus was, witnessed miracles and
learned about salvation at the foot of Jesus Christ. Even so, Peter backslid repeatedly throughout
the time of his learning, and even after Christ was crucified. It was a struggle for him, and it is a
struggle for people today when the Word of God isn’t taught. We don’t know what the other person is going
through or what has happened in their life that has caused them to side step or
avoid salvation. Assuredly, God wants us
all. God is merciful, compassionate and
forgiving. In our journey to Him, we
need to learn to become Christ-like, to turn away from our impatience toward
others who aren’t like us in our faith or how we think they should be. Pastor
John Collins preaches from the heart that it doesn’t matter what
anyone has done, there is room for improvement, even when we call ourselves
Christian….as the saying goes, “please be patient, God’s not finished with me
John Collins preaches weekly on Sunday mornings at 1000 am Mountain
Time on Heaven’s Country Radio with Marty Smith. You can hear Pastor John Collins
by clicking on Recordings, interviews, sermons, blogs,
YouTube recordings and other media by Pastor John Collins
can be accessed by clicking on the links found within this post. Pastor John Collins
can also be reached for prayer, ministry, and other topics through his personal
email at Pastor Collins is
also available to guest preach or speak to your group and can be contacted
through his personal email. Pastor John
Collins says it plainly he is in it to win it for God.
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