Saturday, February 6, 2016

PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, LOVE THAT CROSS MINISTRY: Christian persecution still happens today.

Pastor John Collins, Love That Cross Ministries who is recognized as an influential pastor in America, is reaching out in his passion for truth and salvation in this post from his Facebook pages.  He gives us a no nonsense and to the point call to examine our hearts and how we approach the political correctness that we face in sitting on the fence with our faith and how we view evil in today's world.  He calls it like it is.  We need to get to know our God, up close and personal.

  Pastor John Collins of Love that Cross Ministries posts devotionals on his Facebook pages.  These short, touch the core of your soul mini sermons make you evaluate your life, your faith, your salvation.  Pastor John is identified as one of 15 influential pastors in America today.  It is easy to see how as you read through his posts. His words come from the heart.  He is biblically correct. This blog chooses a post from previous archives, but these posts are just as appropriate now as they were when they were created.  Love That Cross Ministries was launched in 2015 as a means for revival and salvationPastor John brings a fire of life to evangelism and salvation.

In this post, Pastor John pulls our attention to Christian persecution and how we as Christians need to draw closer to God in these times of turmoil. Over and through it all is the need for prayer. Prayer is our defense for everything in this world:

Evil is real and it infects our lives. There has been persecution for the righteous since Cain slew Abel. There have been times when the persecution has ebbed and times when it has peaked. There is persecution in the world today for the Christian and it is a time when faith needs to grow stronger and not weaken. It is a time for people to KNOW that they belong to Christ and to not bow down to evil.

We may not see the persecution of Christians up close and personal in a way that they may come face to face with it in the Middle East but that does not mean that we cannot pray for those who are persecuted, that does not mean that we cannot choose to draw closer to God and our Lord Jesus Christ and that does not mean that our faith should be found wanting.

Choose to take some time and pray today for those who are in jeopardy because of their faith and praise the Lord for providing Jesus. Take some time today and pray with thanksgiving in your heart for the safety that you and your family are experiencing and pray for comfort to find those who need it. Take some time today and pray for those who need strength in the Lord that their faith will keep them. Take some time today to let the Lord know that you are grateful for your life and loved ones and praying for His people. God bless each and every one of you! 

Heavenly Father,

I pray to You today and ask You to wake up those who are sleeping, those who are resisting You and please Father help the little ones who believe in You. There are children hurting, children being murdered, children being abused and these little ones have such a need for Your protection Father, so please comfort them and please bring help for them into their lives.

Father God, I know this world is defiant and this world is full of stubborn people, but You are bigger than any problem here, You are more powerful than any resistance here and You are needed so very much by all of us here. Please know that You are our hope and our future and we are thankful to You, God and we have hope because of Your precious Son, Jesus, who I ask to watch over our children and to help their little hearts to know that they are loved.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

                                    LOVE THAT CROSS, BELIEVE THAT, PASTOR JOHN

Click on photo to view a recorded sermon by PASTOR JOHN COLLINS, LOVE THAT CROSS MINISTRIES

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