“If you extend your soul to the hungry
And satisfy the afflicted soul,
Then your light shall dawn in the darkness,
And your darkness shall be as the noonday.” Isaiah 58:10
Have you ever passed by someone begging without looking at them, told a friend you couldn’t help them, denied a family member help, or thought to yourself ‘next time’ when an opportunity came your way for you to do a charitable deed? We are presented with many chances to bear fruit in the name of the Lord that we just let pass us by. Those moments can’t be reclaimed and those opportunities to do good for God and Jesus just passed away. Even if you do something a week later, a month later, a year later, that moment is gone. If you can, you should!
We are not meant to enable our relatives or anyone else to become lazy or to hinder ourselves to such a degree that we become homeless and cannot feed our families but we are meant to be giving and charitable people. We can do more and we can certainly be more generous than we are. We do not need that extra pair of shoes in the closet or that knick-knack or that or that or that. Be honest about what you do have and what you can give. Find ways to clean out the clutter of your closets, homes and lives and find shelters that will take it and give it away to their poor. Don’t just take things to places that will sell them to the public, but take your time and find places that will give what is needed to those who need it.
We can do more for those who are in need. Look into non-profits in your area and find out where and what you may be able to contribute. Each of us is capable of being much more aware of the needs of our communities and if we would just take the time to become givers then our communities would flourish more and more.
In every single thing that you do, remember to do it in the name of the Lord. Let people know that you are a giving and obedient Christian by saying, ‘God bless you and give thanks to Jesus’ when you give. And please remember to never toot your own horn. It is not about letting anyone know what you do but it is about finding ways and opportunities for you to do and praising God all the way knowing you are serving the kingdom of heaven.
“The Lord will guide you continually,
And satisfy your soul in drought,
And strengthen your bones;
You shall be like a watered garden,
And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.” Isaiah 58:11
copied from Facebook, John Collins (Pastor John Collins )