Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Pastor John Collins of Love that Cross Ministries posts daily devotionals on his Facebook page.  These short, touch the core of your soul  mini sermons make you evaluate your life, your faith, your salvation.  Pastor John is identified as one of 15 influential pastors in America today.  It is easy to see how as you read through his posts.  This blog chooses a post from previous archives, but these posts are just as appropriate now as they were when they were posted.  Love That Cross Ministries was launched in 2015 as a means for revival and salvation.  Pastor John brings a fire of life to evangelism and salvation.  God bless you.

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” 2 Corinthians 5:10

It is time for a serious reality check for every single person living on earth at this time: You are going to die an earthly death and will have to face the righteous judgment of God. You may think you know what that means, you may not care but let me fill in the blanks for so many….whether you choose to believe in God or not, whether you find God fair or not, whether you agree with God or not, whether you end up dismissing God or not, whether you reject God or not and whether you end up getting as angry at God as you want and as defiant toward God as you want and you can ignore Him, disobey Him and reject His Son but in the end, ALL will come before the judgment seat of Christ and ALL will face the righteous judgment of God, whether you want to or not and whether you believe it or not.

Heaven is NOT a given. Heaven is NOT guaranteed. Heaven is a reward of the salvation that you claim when you choose Jesus and obedience over your worldly life and yourself. People are so selfish and self-involved and so full of self-importance that they just can’t seem to work out their salvation with fear and trembling because they have lost their capacity for reverence and most have never bothered to develop it for God in the first place but have transferred that delight and wonder and awe for the material things of this world and for the prestige that can come with it.
Everyone wants to talk about how God is love and just ignore the truth that God is wrath as well. Remember that God is complete, God is divine and God is the Creator of all and is without flaws. Judgment happens in a moment and is irreversible and it is forever. Why take any chances with your eternal soul when today allows you call on Jesus and to obey the Lord. Do not be lazy in your faith. Get right with God.

“For it is written: ‘As I live, says the Lord, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to God.’
So then each of us shall give account of himself to God.” Romans 14:11-12 LOVE THAT CROSS, PASTOR JOHN BELIEVE THAT

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